To connect electronic devices into an outlet, you’ll need the circuit that works with it. Plus, this also refers to does a sub panel need a main breaker as it ensures the safety of your connected gadgets while transferring power. Today we are here to talk about 20 amps circuit.  

As the topic is related to circuits, you might also need to know when to use a double pole switch or a single one to prevent electrical fires. And to determine the wire amps holding capability, take a look into the chassis wiring vs power transmission.

After confirming all of the above matters, it’ll be time for you to learn about what areas of the home require a 20 amp circuit. In this guide, I’ve added a whole bunch of information related to those areas along with some information to use the specified circuit.

What Areas Of The Home Require A 20 Amp Circuit?

What Areas of The Home Require A 20 Amp Circuit?

The best places to use the 20-amp circuit are the kitchen, living room, and dining room. You can also add it to other rooms for lighting purposes. 

Although the circuit 20-amp can be used in any area (excluding the bathroom), you can add it using 120 volt or 220 voltage outlets. However, you need to know about the wattage and other factors too.

According to NEC,

One can use a circuit but it won’t provide the same current due to the circuit breaker. For example, if you have added a 20-amp circuit, then the current it will provide is not more than 16-amps or 1920 or 3520 watts (using the given equation).

Watts = Amperages x 120 volts/220 volts

Note: As most American houses run 120v or 220v circuits at rooms, so I have added these.

By looking at the formula, you can easily measure how much watts can be run on a single 20-amp circuit at once. And this thing gravely matters to know where are 20 amp outlets required.

Let’s break down all the places which are suitable for using this circuit.

20A Circuit for Kitchen Applications

20A Circuit for Kitchen Applications.

Most houses in America have at least 2 outlets that hold 20-amp circuits for random usage of machines. And, it is suitable for using high-powered appliances like blenders, garbage disposal units, refrigerators, and so on.

  • Even though people can use a 15-amp circuit, still to ensure a powerful garbage disposal unit most uses a 20-amp circuit with a 12/2 wire. And for that, the GFCI outlet works the best.
  • One of the most used items in the kitchen is the refrigerator. It does need a 120v circuit that is rated standard 20 amp (recommended). As most refrigerators need lots of power for a short period of time, so the 20-amp would be a good circuit.
  • Toaster and microwaves are some of the reasons why you should add the 20A circuit to your home. And for that, the GFCI outlet would be perfect to get enough power to operate these machines through the solid circuit option.

20-amp Circuit for Living Rooms.

There are tons of reasons why you should add the 20A circuit to the living room. From the lighting to the random tools like blower and heater, this circuit would be essential to add.

  • Most experts suggest using at least a 20-amp circuit for lamps. And, you can add only 2 in the room.
  • Tools like dryer and vacuum can also be run using the 20-amp circuit. It won’t cause electrical fires or issues and ensure better power when operating.

20A Circuit for Dining Rooms.

Adding only 2 to 3 circuits of 20 amp would be enough in the dining room. And, it allows using AC (air conditioner), fans, and other general purpose appliances.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. How many 20 amp circuits are required in a home?

Mostly, you can use 2 circuits that are rated in 20 amp according to the code given by NEC. It’s because of the mass usage which can cause electrical fires or mishaps if not limiting the circuits. Plus, you can’t use all machines on this circuit.

2. How many receptacles on a 20 amp breaker?

Well, adding 10 outlets or receptacles would be ideal on a 20-amp circuit breaker. It not only lets you have an 80% circuit while ensuring to maintain the load rule without causing the hassle of overheating.

3. Does a washing machine need a 20 amp circuit?

Even if it’s not compulsory to use it, still you can use a 20-amp circuit far away from the bathroom to use the washing machine. However, it may need more efficiency to run properly. So most suggest using the 15-amp circuit.

Final Thoughts

Yup! I have managed to complete this brief guide explaining what areas of the home require a 20 amp circuit. Hope you have found it handy and informative enough.

If I have to spell a one-line punch that would make everything clear on this topic,

The 20-amp circuit can be used anywhere in your home including the garage, outside, living room, dining room, drawing room, guest room, and so on.

But, avoid using it in the bathroom to prevent electrical hazards, overheating, or fire issues. Hopefully, you now know things better. I’ll catch you on our next guide. Keep Up the Good Work!

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